Emoticon (W3)
What is Emoticon?For example, a @-->-->--- is supposed to be a long-stemmed rose, which you can use to show affection - pretty lame if you ask me. For a list of common and not-so-common emoticons, check out the Sharpened Emoticons Page.
Eine Rose ist eine Rose: @}->--
''~`` ( o o ) -------.oooO--(_)--Oooo.-------- .oooO ( ) Oooo. -------- \ ( ----- ( )-------- \_) ) / (_/
Emoticons oder Smileys sind Zeichenketten, die zur schnellen Mitteilung einer emotionalen Reaktion dienen, wie etwa ";-)".
Das berühmteste Emoticons ist der Smilie mit seinen Variationen.
Offiziell wird das erste "Emoticon" dem US-Forscher Scott E. Fahlmann zugeschrieben. Dieser schlug am 19. September 1982 in einem Online-Forum vor, die Zeichenfolge ":-)" als Kennzeichen für Humor und ":-(" als Kennzeichen für ernste Beiträge zu benutzen.
Allerdings gibt es auch andere Anwärter für diesen Posten. So soll u.a. auch Kevin McKenzie, Teilnehmer einer Mail-Diskussionsgruppe, bereits am 12. April 1979 den Vorschlag gemacht haben, die inhaltlich trockenen Schreiben mit Symbolen anzureichern, die Emotionen ausdrücken.
Naheliegend ist der Bezug zum Smiley (Gelber Kreis mit zwei Punkten für die Augen und einem Halbkreis für das Lächeln), das der Künstler Harvey Ball etwa 20 Jahre vorher kreierte.
Das Emoticon könnte allerdings auch schon im 19. Jh. zu finden sein. In einem Transkript einer Rede von Abraham Lincoln ist die Zeichenfolge ";)" nach der Anmerkung "Applaus und Gelächter" zu finden.
Die Bezeichnung "Emoticon" ist ein Kunstwort aus engl. "emotion" = dt. "Gefühl" und engl. "icon" = dt. "Bild", "Piktogramm", "Symbol". Emoticons fanden in E-Mails weite Verbreitung.
Am 19. September 1982 schlug der US-Forscher Scott E. Fahlman in einem Online-Forum vor, ":-)" als eine Kennzeichnung für Humor zu benutzen.
"Angesichts der gegenwärtigen Entwicklungen ist es tatsächlich sinnvoller, Sachen zu markieren, die KEINE Scherze sind. Benutzt dafür ":-(" ", schrieb Fahlman. Das Emoticon war erfunden.
Die in E-Mails heute üblichen Emoticons gibt es seit dem 12. April 1979. Damals machte Kevin McKenzie, Teilnehmer einer Mail-Diskussionsgruppe, den Vorschlag, die inhaltlich trockenen Schreiben mit Symbolen anzureichern, die Emotionen ausdrücken.
(E?)(L?) http://www.abbreviations.com/acronyms/EMOTICONS
Browse 302 acronyms and abbreviations related to Emoticons:
(E?)(L?) http://www.abkuerzungen.de/emoticons.php?language=de&style=standard
Emoticons sind kleine Piktogramme, die in E-Mails oder beim Chat benutzt werden, um Emotionen auszudrücken oder sich Schreibarbeit zu sparen. In den meisten Fällen stellen Emoticons um 90° gedrehte Gesichter dar, die aus dem "Basis-Smiley" entstanden sind. (Wenn Sie das Gesicht nicht auf Anhieb erkennen können, hilft es manchmal, den Monitor auf die Seite zu drehen) ;-)
(E1)(L1) http://www.alphadictionary.com/articles/
IMglish Glossary (Chatroom and IM shorthand with Emoticons) - Shorten your messages using the new language of IMglish.
(E?)(L?) http://www.alphadictionary.com/articles/imglish/index.html
Welcome to alphaDictionary's one-stop IMglish Learning Center, where you can learn about all the abbreviations and emoticons that are used in instant messaging, chatrooms, and in handheld messaging devices.
To access the abbreviations, simply click the first letter of the abbreviation you want to know more about in the alphabet bar like the ones above and below this text, wherever you see one.
To get started, you may click any of the links below.
- •IMglish Dictionary
- •Emoticon Glossary, arranged by emoticon
- •Emoticon Glossary, arranged by definitions
- •|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z|•
(E?)(L?) http://bygonebureau.com/2010/01/20/the-secret-history-of-typography-in-the-oxford-english-dictionary/
Citing usage from 1949, the OED calls this mark the dog’s bollocks, which it defines as, “typogr. a colon followed by a dash, regarded as forming a shape resembling the male sexual organs.” This is why I love scrounging around the linguistic scrap heap that is the OED. I always come across a little gold. And by “gold,” I mean, “vulgar, 60-year-old emoticons.”
(E?)(L?) http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/E/emoticon.html
The invention of the original smiley and frowney emoticons is generally credited to Scott Fahlman at CMU in 1982. He later wrote: “I wish I had saved the original post, or at least recorded the date for posterity, but I had no idea that I was starting something that would soon pollute all the world's communication channels.” In September 2002 the original post was recovered.
There is a rival claim by one Kevin McKenzie, who seems to have proposed the smiley on the MsgGroup mailing list, April 12 1979. It seems likely these two inventions were independent. Users of the PLATO educational system report using emoticons composed from overlaid dot-matrix graphics in the 1970s.
(E?)(L?) http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/outerspace/netnews/smilies.html
a turkey emoticon
(E6)(L?) http://www.cknow.com/cms/articles/what-are-emoticons.html
Emoticons are ASCII glyphs originally designed to show an "emotional" state in plain text messages. Over time they have turned into an art form as well. In most cases, emoticons are constructed to be viewed by tilting your head left so the right side of the emoticon is at the bottom of the "picture." These simple emoticons have, over time, merged with artwork produced as ASCII characters. This site does not catalog that. If interested, perform a Google search on the term "ASCII art" and you should find multiple sites that host such collections.
(E?)(L?) http://www.cknow.com/cms/files/emoticons.txt
Full emoticon list.
Compilation copyright claimed by Computer Knowledge.
Copyright 1996-2005 Computer Knowledge, All Rights Reserved
If used in any public manner please give credit and a link to Computer Knowledge at http://www.cknow.com/
Thank you.
Please note that this is an archive as of 2005 and is not being presently maintained. Much of the use here is therefore historical.
Please also note that some emoticons are designed to make fun of and/or annoy various individuals or collections of people (e.g., religions, political parties, etc.). If you come across one of these please just ignore it and never use it yourself.
(E?)(L?) http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~sef/Orig-Smiley.htm
Original Bboard Thread in which :-) was proposed
Here is the original message posted by Scott Fahlman on 19 September, 1982:
(E?)(L?) http://www.code-knacker.de/smileys.htm
Smileys (Emoticons)
(E6)(L2) http://www.computerhilfen.de/fachbegriffe-e-Emoticon.html
Die Kombination aus "Emotion" und "Icon" ist das Fachwort für "Smiley".
(E?)(L?) http://www.computeruser.com/resources/dictionary/emoticons.html
What is an emoticon?
(E?)(L?) http://www.desig-n.de/smileys-emoticons.htm
Smileys gehören zu den beliebtesten Accessoires im Internet, da sie Gefühle und Stimmungen ausdrücken können. Wer kreativ ist, kann sein Gegenüber auch mit ausgefallenen Kreationen überraschen und erheitern. Hier zum Einstieg die gebräuchlichsten und interessantesten Variationen.
(E?)(L?) http://www.dicofr.com/
Les smileys (ou emoticons) sont des visages obtenus avec quelques caractères qui en disent beaucoup sur votre état d'esprit ou vos émotions. Pour les déchiffrer, il suffit de pencher votre tête sur la gauche.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste comprenant 82 smileys.
(E?)(L?) http://hotword.dictionary.com/rebuses/
When did the New York Times first use an emoticon? 1862. This word helps explain why.
October 3, 2011 59 Comments Share
Last week the New York Times ran this headline: “Twitter Study Tracks When We Are : )” Notice anything odd for official newspaper-speak? That little emoticon printed in a venerated newspaper suggests growing acceptance of abbreviations and pictographic communication. Of course, the article is about the internet and technology, so a nod to common electronic communication is appropriate and light-hearted.
(E?)(L?) http://hotword.dictionary.com/emoticon/
Are emoticons words, symbols, or what? Consider this possibility . . .
March 14, 2011
You may not like it, but we all use them. Whether it is in a text message, an instant chat, or a casual email, emoticons appear in written communication to indicate the tone, humor or feeling of a message. As communication moves away from personal interaction to a text-only environment, emoticons fill the void left by the absence of the tone of voice and facial expression that add connotation and intent to a message. The word emoticon is a portmanteau of “emotion” and “icon.”
Emoticons clearly are instruments of communication, but what are they, exactly? Are they CONTINUE READING »
(E?)(L?) http://www.ehow.com/how_5876231_make-rose-emoticon.html
How to Make a Rose Emoticon. An emoticon is a series of symbols used in text messaging or emails to express an emotion without using words. Lovers, or ...
- @-->--
- @}->--
- @~'~~~
- @};-
(E?)(L?) http://filext.com/alphalist.php?extstart=%5EA
(E?)(L?) http://www.franceterme.culture.gouv.fr/FranceTerme/recherche.html
emoticon (en), smiley (en)
"frimousse", n.f. fam.
Domaine : Informatique/Internet
Équivalent étranger : "emoticon" (en) ou "smiley" (en)
(E?)(L?) http://www.h2g2.com/approved_entry/A292367
Internet Acronyms, Smileys and Emoticons
(E?)(L?) http://www.hagalil.com/lexikon/index.php?title=Emoticon
Die aus Japan stammenden "Emojis" sind eine Sonderform des Emoticons (siehe unten). Verwendet werden Emoticons etwa in Chaträumen, im Usenet und im E-Mail-Verkehr. Anders als die üblichen Emoticons zeigen die "Emojis" das Smiley nicht gedreht.
(E?)(L?) http://www.heisoft.de/web/emoticon/emoticon.htm
Die Standard-Emoticons:
(E?)(L?) http://www.hyperkommunikation.ch/lexikon/lexikon_index.htm
Emoticons sind ASCII-Code-Graphiken, die "Emotionen übermitteln" (falls Sie wissen, was ich meine ;-)) )
Spurensuche für die Geschichtsschreibung des Emoticons
Mit einigem Aufwand wurde vor wenigen Tagen das vermutlich erste ASCII-Emoticon wieder aufgespürt und sein Jubiläum gefeiert. Mit der Tastatur produzierte Gefühlszeichen wie :) sollen jedenfalls auf einen Vorschlag von Scott Fahlman in die Welt gekommen sein. Dieser machte am 19. September 1982 in einem Nachrichtensystem der Carnegie-Mellon-Universität den Vorschlag, :) für Witze und :( für schlechte Nachrichten zu verwenden. Seine damalige Nachricht führte dazu, dass er in einschlägigen Lexika wie dem «New Hacker's Dictionary» als Erfinder mit der Jahresangabe «um 1980» geführt wurde. Diese Angabe erschien einigen Programmierern zu ungenau. Sie besorgten sich die damaligen Sicherungsbänder, die noch in der Universität lagerten, und rekonstruierten die gesamte Diskussion, in der Scott Fahlman seinen Vorschlag machte.
Zum 20-Jahr-Jubiläum wurde das erste Smiley ins Internet gestellt www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~sef/Orig-Smiley.htm. Prompt regte sich heftiger Widerspruch. Er kam von Programmierern, die wesentlich früher, nämlich im Jahre 1976, an einem Multiuser-System namens Plato arbeiteten und dort eine ganze Reihe von Emoticons erfanden www.platopeople.com/emoticons.html.
(E3)(L1) http://www.jargon.net/jargonfile/e/emoticon.html
It appears that the emoticon was invented by one Scott Fahlman on the CMU bboard systems around 1980. He later wrote: "I wish I had saved the original post, or at least recorded the date for posterity, but I had no idea that I was starting something that would soon pollute all the world's communication channels." [GLS confirms that he remembers this original posting].
(E?)(L?) http://www.jargonf.org/
emoticon | émoticon | émoticône
(E?)(L1) http://jargonf.org/wiki/Jargonf:Smiley
Dictionnaire de smileys
(E?)(L?) http://www.learnthenet.com/glossary/emoticon
Another name for a smiley, ...
(E?)(L?) http://www.lostinemoticons.com/
Online conversations between a mother and daughter. The mother is from China. The daughter was born in America. The language barrier gets wider by the day. Thank god for emoticons.
(E?)(L?) http://www.marketing.ch/lexikon_e.asp
Mittels dieser “Gefühlszeichen” möchte der Schreiber in eMails oder Chat-Beiträgen, denn dort werden die Emoticons überwiegend eingesetzt, sein Gefühl herüberbringen.
(E?)(L?) http://www.muller-godschalk.com/emoticon.html
Emoticons & Smiley Page
- Acronyms
- Action Emoticons
- Animal Emoticons
- Basic Emoticons
- Bonus MSN
- Celebrity Emoticons
- Descriptive Emoticon
- Item Emoticons
- MSN Emoticons
- Other Emoticons
- People Emoticons
- Yahoo Emoticons
- Web Messenger
- Olympic Emoticons
(E?)(L?) http://www.netlingo.com/dictionary/e.php
The term "emoticon" literally means "an icon that represents emotion."
(E?)(L?) http://www.netlingo.com/smileys.php
Smileys and Emoticons
(E?)(L?) http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/01/19/hfo-emoticon/
Abraham Lincoln: the true father of the emoticon?
Is That an Emoticon in 1862?
Did someone insert an emoticon into this Times transcript of Abraham Lincoln’s speech in 1862?
Were they using emoticons back in the era of Abraham Lincoln?
There has been a lot of recent attention focused on the inspirational quality of Abraham Lincoln’s speeches. Perhaps those speeches inspired emoticons a century before they proliferated in the digital world.
Bryan Benilous, who works with historical newspapers at Proquest, said the team felt the “;)” after the word “laughter” was an emoticon, more than a century before emoticons became a widespread concept.
Could it be? Was this just a typo, a mistake, or was the reporter, transcriber or typesetter having a bit of sly fun?
We sought the opinions of historical experts, as well as the Carnegie Mellon professor who is widely credited with instigating the use of Internet emoticons after he proposed using “:-)” and “:-(“ to convey emotion on a bulletin board in 1982.
(E?)(L?) https://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/19/technology/typographic-milestones-happy-birthday-to-you-a-smiley-face-turns-20.html
TYPOGRAPHIC MILESTONES; Happy Birthday :-) to You: A Smiley Face Turns 20
Published: September 19, 2002
(E?)(L?) http://www.oedilf.com/db/Lim.php
(E?)(L?) http://www.oedilf.com/db/Lim.php?Word=emoticon
Limericks on emoticon
(E?)(L1) http://www.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/ressources/bdl.html
Les "binettes", parfois appelées "frimousses" - on évitera les termes anglais "smileys" ou "emoticons" -, sont de petits dessins réalisés avec des caractères du clavier. Ces dessins, que l’on décode en penchant la tête vers la gauche, suggèrent la forme d’un visage exprimant la situation ou l’humeur du rédacteur.
(E?)(L?) http://www.owid.de/artikel/183700
(E?)(L?) http://pc.net/emoticons/
Fun Text-Based Expressions
Common Text Emoticons
Emoticon Shortcuts:
(E?)(L?) http://pc.net/emoticons/browse/a
(E?)(L?) http://www.pcwelt.de/news/Smileys-und-Podcasting-Unglaublich-463084.html
Smileys und Podcasting
Bitte nicht lächeln - Emoticons als Marke
Seit den 1980er-Jahren werden Emoticons auf breiter Basis im Netz benutzt, um Freude, Traurigkeit, Schüchternheit, Verachtung oder andere Gemütsregungen auszudrücken, die ein Mensch empfinden kann. Ihre Vorgänger gehen bis auf das neunzehnte Jahrhundert zurück. Aber das hat Schlauberger nicht davon abgehalten, Lücken zu suchen und Patentente in diesem Bereich anzumelden.
(E?)(L?) http://www.platopeople.com/emoticons.html
Emoticons pre-1982
PLATO Emoticons
13 September 2002 - The news is floating around the Web right now about the "discovery" of the first online emotion-conveying icon or "emoticon." What readers and reporters are apparently not aware of is that the emoticon or "smiley" being discussed is the first ASCII smiley.
Like so many things, PLATO was doing emoticons and smileys, online and onscreen, years earlier. In fact, emoticons on PLATO were already an art form by 1976. PLATO users began doing smiley characters probably as early as 1972 (when PLATO IV came out), but possibly even earlier on PLATO III (still to be determined... old-timer PLATO III users please speak up!).
(E?)(L?) http://www.rae.es/drae/
(Del ingl. "emotion", "emoción", e "icon", "icono", infl. por el esp. "icono").
1. m. Inform. Símbolo gráfico que se utiliza en las comunicaciones a través del correo electrónico y sirve para expresar el estado de ánimo del remitente.
(E2)(L1) https://www.dictionary.com/browse/emoticon
(E?)(L?) http://news.rice.edu/2012/10/10/women-use-emoticons-more-than-men-in-text-messaging/
Women use emoticons more than men in text messaging :-)
David Ruth
October 10, 2012
(E?)(L?) http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzkultur/0,1518,214156,00.html
Die zündende Idee hatte der Informatiker Scott Fahlmann. Er schlug zwei Zeichenkombinationen vor, die später weltweit akzeptiert und hundertfach abgewandelt werden sollten. Sie waren seitwärts zu lesen und sollten ein lachendes und ein ernstes Gesicht darstellen: :-) und :-(. Das Emoticon war geboren, zur Welt gekommen am 19. September 1982, vor ziemlich genau 20 Jahren.
Viele Jahre war sie verschwunden, nun ist sie wiederentdeckt worden, pünktlich zu ihrem 20. Jahrestag: die erste Internet-Nachricht, in der ein Emoticon verwendet wurde. Mitarbeiter von Microsoft und der Carnegie Mellon University haben has erste :-) auf einem Backup-Tape aufgestöbert, auf dem Beiträge gespeichert sind, die am 19. September 1982 in einem Diskussionsforum getippt wurden. Die Nachricht stammt von Scott Fahlman, der damals als Informatiker an der Carnegie Mellon University arbeitete. Fahlman ärgerte sich darüber, dass ironische Beiträge zu oft nicht verstanden wurden, deshalb schrieb er: "Ich schlage vor, dass von nun an eine Zeichensequenz einen Witz kennzeichnen soll, nämlich :-)." Zuvor hatte es andere Vorschläge gegeben, # oder \_/, aber es war Fahlmans Idee, die sich durchsetze und dutzendfach variiert wurde. Und heute gibt es für fast jede Stimmung das passende Zeichen.
(E?)(L?) http://www.symbols.net/emoticons/
Emoticons - Smileys
(E?)(L1) https://whatis.techtarget.com/definitionsAlpha/0,289930,sid9_alpE,00.html
emoticon | emoticons | emoticons (Japanese) | Japanese emoticons
(E?)(L?) http://www.ted.com/talks/rives_tells_a_story_of_mixed_emoticons.html
Rives: A story of mixed emoticons
(E?)(L1) http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Emoticon
| emoticon | emo-ticon | Emoticon | Emoticon Addiction | emoticonal | Emoticonally | Emoticon Artist | Emoticoncial | emoticon culture | Emoticon Denouement | emoticon dependency | emoticondescending | emoticondom | emoticonectomy | emoticonfirmation | Emoticonfused | Emoticonical | emoticonictionary | Emoticonist | emoticon job | Emoticonning | emoticonoclast | emoticonology | emoticonophobic | emoticonotional | Emoticon Overload | Emoticon Raid | emoticon rape
(E?)(L?) http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=emoticons
(E?)(L?) http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=orz
It is a Japanese based emoticon of a man pounding his head on the floor.Used to symbolize the emotion of frustration.
- The o is the head.
- The r is the arms.
- The z is the legs.
(E6)(L1) http://www.vds-ev.de/index
(E?)(L?) http://www.waywordradio.org/?s=Emoticon
Search results for "Emoticon"
- Emoticons (minicast)
- Posted July 14, 2008 .
- A listener has a question about emoticons, those little sideways symbols you type to suggest emotions in informal electronic writing. You know, like using a colon, dash, and a capital P to stick out your tongue like this or using a colon, dash, and small letter d to say “Yum!” :-d But if you’re going [...]read more »
- Emoticons in Business
- Posted July 13, 2012 .
- Is it appropriate to use emoticons in business emails? After all, you wouldn’t write a smiley face in a printed letter, right? Martha and Grant discuss the point at which you start using those little symbols in correspondence. Call it “The Rubicon on the Emoticon.” Judith Newman has more observations about emoticons in business correspondence [...]read more »
- A Way with Words » deft
- Posted November 30, -0001 .
- Dec 18, 2012 ... Nothing brightens up an email like an emoticon. But is it appropriate to ... Is it appropriate to use emoticons in business emails? After all, you ...read more »
- A Way with Words » letter
- Posted November 30, -0001 .
- Call it “The Rubicon on the Emoticon.” Judith Newman has more observations about emoticons in business correspondence [...] Is it appropriate to use ...read more »
- The Whole Kit and Caboodle
- Posted July 13, 2012 .
- Nothing brightens up an email like an emoticon. But is it appropriate to include a smiley face in an email to your boss? Also, what do time management experts mean when they say you should start each day by “eating the frog”? Plus, the story behind the phrase “the whole kit and caboodle,” and some [...]read more »
- 8 - A Way with Words
- Posted November 30, -0001 .
- Jul 13, 2012 ... Nothing brightens up an email like an emoticon. But is it appropriate to include a smiley face in an email to your boss? Also, what do time ...read more »
- The Language of Less Than Three (full episode)
- Posted August 8, 2010 .
- Whoever wrote “The Book of Love” neglected to include the handy emoticon <3, which looks like a heart if you turn your head sideways. Grant and Martha talk about how that bit of affectionate shorthand can function as a verb, and about the antiquated words for “kiss,” osculate and exosculate. read more »
- Episodes | A Way with Words - Part 4
- Posted November 30, -0001 .
- Nothing brightens up an email like an emoticon. But is it appropriate to include a smiley face in an email to your boss? Also, what do time management experts ...read more »
- 30 - A Way with Words
- Posted November 30, -0001 .
- Sep 7, 2010 ... Whoever wrote “The Book of Love” neglected to include the handy emoticon <3, which looks like a heart if you turn your head sideways.read more »
- A Way with Words » 2010 » August
- Posted November 30, -0001 .
- Whoever wrote “The Book of Love” neglected to include the handy emoticon <3, which looks like a heart if you turn your head sideways. Grant and Martha talk ...read more »
- Kiss Your Paramour on the Cellar Door
- Posted February 22, 2010 .
- Howdy from your fellow word-wranglers, Martha and Grant! A huge thank-you to all of you who've contributed to our independently produced show in recent weeks--whether it be with a contribution of your phone calls, your emails, your forum posts, or your cash. Of course, donations from the word-loving community do the most to make it [...]read more »
- Sartalics
- Posted May 19, 2012 .
- How do you indicate sarcasm in a text message or an email? If winky emoticons aren’t your thing, try left-leaning italics, as recommended by sartalics.com. This is part of a complete episode.read more »
- The Nickname Dilemna and the Emoticons Minicast
- Posted July 14, 2008 .
- Ahoy, mateys, and welcome aboard another newsletter from A Way with Words! We are delighted to welcome our new listeners from KTOO in Juneau, Alaska, and WCAI, in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The smell of leather-bound books and printer's ink is luring them from both coasts. On this past weekend's show we talked about nicknames, "dilemma" [...]read more »
- ...
(E?)(L?) https://www.webopedia.com/quick_ref/index.asp
(E?)(L?) https://www.webopedia.com/quick_ref/textmessageabbreviations_02.asp
Smiley Faces and Emoticons
A text smiley face - often called a smiley or emoticon - is used in text message and online chat communications to convey an emotion. Learn how to make text smiley faces in this Webopedia.com text message and online chat guide.
(E?)(L?) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emoticon
An emoticon is a pictorial representation of a facial expression using punctuation marks, numbers and letters, usually written to express a person's feelings or mood.
(E3)(L1) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semiotik
Semiotik ist die Lehre von den Zeichen und Zeichensystemen - wie Schrift, Verkehrszeichen, Handzeichen, Emoticons - und ihren Beziehungen zu dem Bezeichneten.
(E?)(L1) https://www.yourdictionary.com/about/topten2001.html
Top Ten Words of 2001
4. Emoticon
We left this one until this year hoping it would go away. A blend of "emotion" and "icon", these prostrate faces created by punctuation marks now transform into—Oh, no! Anything but—smiley faces!
(E1)(L1) http://ngrams.googlelabs.com/graph?corpus=0&content=Emoticon
Abfrage im Google-Corpus mit 15Mio. eingescannter Bücher von 1500 bis heute.
Engl. "Emoticon" taucht in der Literatur um das Jahr 1980 auf.
Erstellt: 2013-01